The One Critical Mindset Shift You Need to Have to Manifest More Success


$5,000 PER MONTH.

That was my definition of success when I first set out to do what I love.
If I didn’t make $5,000 in the first month of my business, I was a failure.

And so, when I managed to arrange seven sales conversations that first month and I received a “no” from each potential Client, it left me with a whopping $0 earned and a feeling of complete DEVASTATION.

I was so discouraged that I fell into what I call, the deep, dark hole of entrepreneurial despair.

Instead of focusing on the fact that I somehow arranged SEVEN sales conversations in the first month of my business, I focused on the lack of revenue, which caused me to question whether or not I was really cut out for entrepreneurship after all.

I created all of this FEAR, DOUBT, & LACK, which then made it extremely difficult for me to create any revenue the next month and the month after that.

So whether you’re thinking about taking the leap to do what you love, you want to continue to do what you love, or you’re ready to take doing what you love to the next level, there is ONE CRITICAL MINDSET SHIFT you need to have in order to manifest more success doing it.

And that is to create a definition of success that serves you.

If I had a definition of success that served me, I wouldn’t have felt like a failure at the end of my first year because I would have been able to see all of the amazing results that I actually did create, like enrolling 250 women in my first free challenge or landing seven sales conversations in the first month of my business.

Here’s the crazy thing though—our unrealistic expectations and our outlandish ideas of what success looks like BLINDS US from the Truth—that we are inherently successful.

Taking a step towards your dreams IS a success.
Spreading your message IS a success.
Committing to your next level IS a success.

Success doesn’t have to be this BIG thing that we make it out to be. I mean, I get why we do it. In our society, we have been conditioned to believe that if we put in the effort, we should have immediate success.

All this does though, is create unrealistic expectations. All this does though, is put pressure on us. All this does though, is disconnect us from Source, from flow, from the Universe, from trust, from creativity and instead, it causes us to spin out into doubt and fear and lack when we don’t hit our goals.

Instead of inviting in success, we repel it. And before we know it, we’re ready to give up on our mission. Before we know it, we forget Truth and we let Ego run the show.

But what if you had a definition of success that served you?

What if, instead of attaching yourself to unrealistic expectations, you looked around at your life and chose to notice all of the little reasons you already are successful?

When I realized that my definition of success was sabotaging me, I changed it from making $5K in one month to ONE LIKE ON FACEBOOK.

When I saw how many likes I was getting, something shifted within me. Instead of feeling discouraged and disappointed, I felt ECSTATIC. I realized how much an IMPACT I was making in people’s lives.

Instead of spiraling into fear and doubt and lack, I spiraled up into happiness, joy, and abundance.

And only then, did I begin to create the initial result I was after. Only then did people start buying my products and signing up for my Workshops and working with me 1:1.

In many ways, my success was like a snowball. When I focused on the success I was creating, no matter how small, it continued to get bigger & bigger and before I knew it, it was much too large to fit in my hands anymore.

So think about this for a moment:

Are you putting too much pressure on yourself to reach a certain goal?
Are you consistently blocked in creating the results you desire?
Are you sacrificing your happiness and your inner peace?

If you are, examine your expectations and your definition of success. How can you re-write your definition in a way that serves you?

And if you’d like to learn about the other mindset shifts that will help you manifest more success doing what you love, think about coming to my online Workshop tomorrow night!

Whether you want to make the leap, you’re feeling stuck after taking the leap, or you’re ready to leap to an entirely new level, this workshop will give you everything you need to manifest more success with EASE & FLOW.

With light, love, & the little things,