The Magic Trifecta: How to Use KLT to Manifest More Success in Life & Biz


If you’re a business owner, I want you to think back to the first sale you ever made.
And if you’re not a business owner, I want you to think back to when you landed your current job.

I’m willing to bet that you made your first sale either to a friend/family member, someone whom you worked diligently to build a relationship with, or to someone who received a high recommendation for your services/product. I’m also willing to bet that you landed your current job either through an awesome interview, a promotion, or from a mutual connection who spoke highly of you.

What do all of these things have in common?

Something called the KLT Factor or the Know, Like, Trust Factor.

Now, while I can’t claim this term as my own, I first heard it when I started to dive into the world of marketing. It’s also something that comes so naturally to me, I didn’t even realize how masterful I was at it until one of my clients asked me: “How do you craft such compelling posts and get so much engagement with your audience?”

It got me thinking and I’ve since drawn the conclusion that when you make the KLT Factor work for you in a way that feels aligned with who you are, your values, and how you operate, you can manifest success doing what you love with more ease and enjoyment.

Naturally, I’m a high touch kind of gal. I’ve always valued close connection and depth. I also operate from a place of authenticity and realness versus saving face and perfectionism.

So how do I incorporate who I am, what I value, and how I operate into the KLT Factor?

➵ I share things about my life outside of my business so my audience can get to know me as a person and not just a Coach {close connection}. I also show them my personality through writing and live videos {depth}.

➵ I share my entire journey—the flaws and imperfections as well as the successes {authenticity & realness}. I’m transparent about my own blocks and what I’m currently working through, often turning my experiences into a teaching point for my audience. None of us have it all together. None of us have it all figured out. So why hide that? Being transparent allows my audience to see themselves in me, hence, they can relate to me.

➵ I provide a powerful Coaching experience FOR FREE before I even ask for the sale {high touch}. I want my clients to have that breakthrough so they can 100% trust that I can take them to where they want to go. I also show up every single day to share my message and I respond personally to each and every person who engages with it {high touch}. Being consistent and responsive allows my audience to trust that I care and I am here for them.

So then, when you use the KLT Factor in a way that aligns with who you are, your values, and how you operate, how does that create more success for you?

As you can see, the trifecta of Know, Like, and Trust is the magic behind building strong, solid relationships and strong, solid relationships lead to sales with more ease and less effort; they lead to better job opportunities.

Think about it: How often do you buy/continue to buy a service or a product from a person or a company that you do not know, like, or trust? How often does someone hire you if they don’t know you, like you, or trust that your skills are the right fit for the job?

The KLT Factor also leads to strong referrals, which result in more success with very little effort on your part. When someone has a really good experience with your service, product, or the work you do, they talk about it/you! They highly recommend you, your product, or your skills. As a result, your audience grows OR the chances of landing a promotion/a better job through a mutual connection sky rockets.

Can you see how important the KLT Factor is when it comes to manifesting more success?

So now, take a moment to list out who you are, what you value, and how you operate. Next, brainstorm ways that you can apply the KLT Factor in your life or business that aligns with what you’ve written down.

Comment below & let me know what you come up with!

With light, love, & KLT,
Mindset & Manifestation Coach

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