
Can’t Get Out of Your Head? Try This.

Kayla MacArthur

This forest is unlike any I’ve ever known. It smells sweet. A scent you’d get from sap and pine needles baking in the heat. The air is clean and cool. The trees are strange—short, scrubby pines, twisting towards the sky. The wind whooshes through their tops, making a sound like ocean waves in the distance. I secretly wonder if they learned to imitate the sea from living next to it. Wandering down the pine needle path, sun spots dance in the grass and moss speckles the forest floor. There’s magic here. It’s palpable and real and I stop to breathe it in, taking it into me. When you’re grounded, you’re...

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What a Lack of Motivation Really Means & What to Do About It

Create, Reinvent
Manifest More Success

It rained in Massachusetts for a month. Every day was cloudy, cold, and bleak. Winter was clinging desperately, digging its heels into the fresh soil of Spring. While it would have been easy to blame my lack of motivation on Winter’s inability to surrender, I knew deep down that my energetic rut wasn’t about the weather, but rather—it was the same old pattern coming back for more. The pattern you think you’ve healed, only to have it show up on your doorstep wrapped in different paper. For a good majority of my life, I’ve struggled with cycling through energetic highs and lows. The highs are always great. Who doesn’t love...

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The Art of Receptivity: How to Do Less While Inviting in More Success

Create, Reinvent

“Life is a dance between making it happen & letting it happen.” – Arianna Huffington The sun is bright. The sky is pale blue and cloudless. I’m tapping away at my laptop keys outside of a local Starbucks, completely grounded and filled to the brim with an appreciative awe. If I look around at my life, everything I’ve been dreaming of is taking physical form. I’ve risen it from the ground, like Queen Elsa and her magnificent castle of ice. I feel the power in my finger tips. And I’m leaning into this power more than I ever have before, without driving myself into the ground; without working myself to...