
What is Your Anchor?

Kayla MacArthur

Pursuing and living your calling is one of the highest forms of WAKING UP. When you’re anchored in the world by your calling, you feel a sense of fulfillment that is no match to what any relationship, any drug, or any amount of money from a soul-sucking job could provide. I know this because I’ve experienced it myself. There was a time in my life when I was anchored in the world not by my calling, but by the men I dated. They WERE MY WORLD and I let my life revolve around them. I let them be my purpose—to the point where I became obsessed. So obsessed that I...

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5 Ways to Trust More & Worry Less in 2017

Kayla MacArthur

As I look out onto the forest before me, a thin mist hangs in the air and lichen clings to the damp, dark trees—their tiny branches like veins pressed against the gray sky. Raw, cold, and wet, the weather today feels cleansing. Like it’s washing away any stale, lingering heaviness from the last week of 2016 and inviting in its place, a new year with new desires to manifest. Have you taken time to set new intentions & goals for 2017? Are you feeling overwhelmed, but also excited by the possibilities? Are you up for the challenge of expansion? With each new year comes the strong desire to be better,...

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The Art of Receptivity: How to Do Less While Inviting in More Success

Create, Reinvent

“Life is a dance between making it happen & letting it happen.” – Arianna Huffington The sun is bright. The sky is pale blue and cloudless. I’m tapping away at my laptop keys outside of a local Starbucks, completely grounded and filled to the brim with an appreciative awe. If I look around at my life, everything I’ve been dreaming of is taking physical form. I’ve risen it from the ground, like Queen Elsa and her magnificent castle of ice. I feel the power in my finger tips. And I’m leaning into this power more than I ever have before, without driving myself into the ground; without working myself to...

Get Your Community On: Five Ways to Create Strong Connections to Manifest More Success

Create, Explore

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn If you’re ready to take the leap towards your biggest dreams and desires or maybe you’re just ready to manifest more success in pursuit of them—you need to take stock of what & who you’re surrounding yourself with. Is your environment conducive to the direction you want to go? Are your relationships supportive? Do you have access to people who are where you want to be? Community is crucial. If you want to rise, you have to surround yourself with people who also want to rise + have already risen. Why? Like Jim...

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16 Magical Habits For 2016 ➸

Create, Reinvent
Kayla MacArthur

Let’s talk about habits! What kind of magical habits do you want to cultivate in the New Year? Here are my 16 magical habits for 2016… ::Body:: Go to the gym 5 days per week. If I happen to miss a day or two here and there, be gentle with myself.​ Eat with the seasons. Support local farmers and buy organic as much as possible. Meal plan & prep for the week ahead. Cook a scrumptious + cozy meal with Jon once per week for date night. ::Mind:: Complete a daily mindset practice. Right now, my practice includes meditation + EFT tapping. Read a little bit every day. Watch an inspiring...

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