Ebb & Flow

6 Signs You’re On the Other Side of a Major Shift


What happened? Not long ago, you were lit up by your work and your ideas. You were taking action and thriving. You were dreaming BIG and creating. And then, you weren’t. Excitement and possibility took a hard brake and you were catapulted into a black hole of exhaustion and smallness. Now you’re trying to find your way out because 1.) it’s uncomfortable and 2.) you know you’re meant for more. I totally get it. And actually, for how uncomfortable and confusing it is, you’re in the best place you can be. Even though you can’t see it yet, magic is afoot and pretty soon, you’re going to blast out of...

What a Lack of Motivation Really Means & What to Do About It

Create, Reinvent
Manifest More Success

It rained in Massachusetts for a month. Every day was cloudy, cold, and bleak. Winter was clinging desperately, digging its heels into the fresh soil of Spring. While it would have been easy to blame my lack of motivation on Winter’s inability to surrender, I knew deep down that my energetic rut wasn’t about the weather, but rather—it was the same old pattern coming back for more. The pattern you think you’ve healed, only to have it show up on your doorstep wrapped in different paper. For a good majority of my life, I’ve struggled with cycling through energetic highs and lows. The highs are always great. Who doesn’t love...

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What Tulum Taught Me About Manifesting More Success

Explore, Reinvent
Kayla MacArthur

It took me THREE DAYS to completely turn off. In one of the most beautiful paradises I’ve ever been to, it took me three whole days to leave the computer locked in the tent and to pack the personal development books back in my suitcase. Three whole days—lost to the illusion that one can be “on” while simultaneously turning “off.” Tulum, with all of its beauty and magic, taught me how to relax again. And I’m not talking about the kind where you kid yourself by having one foot in and one foot out—I’m talking FULL ON RELAXATION. The kind where you melt into one of the canvas beds propped...

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