
4 Ways Expectations Are Killing Your Dreams & What to Do About It

Create, Reinvent

Expectations are the kill joy of your dreams. And they are as vital to you as the air that fills your lungs. Expectations are the stuff you use to construct your perfect world. They are the measurement of choice when it comes to deciding whether things are going right/wrong or good/bad. When things measure up, all is calm and great. When things don’t measure up, your world turns upside down. Anger, frustration, disappointment—they feed on the fantasy in your head, tearing it to shreds along with the last ounce of power you could have used to create what you actually want. That’s the thing with expectations—they steal your power away....

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6 Signs You’re On the Other Side of a Major Shift


What happened? Not long ago, you were lit up by your work and your ideas. You were taking action and thriving. You were dreaming BIG and creating. And then, you weren’t. Excitement and possibility took a hard brake and you were catapulted into a black hole of exhaustion and smallness. Now you’re trying to find your way out because 1.) it’s uncomfortable and 2.) you know you’re meant for more. I totally get it. And actually, for how uncomfortable and confusing it is, you’re in the best place you can be. Even though you can’t see it yet, magic is afoot and pretty soon, you’re going to blast out of...

What It Means to Love Your Darkness & Why Your Success Depends On It

Manifest More Success

I’m inflexible and rigid. An emotional roller coaster. I talk way more than I listen to the ones closest to me. I forget things easily. I can be so focused on what’s going on in my head that I completely miss whole parts of a conversation with Jon. I don’t have sustainable energy. I’m typically late for anything that requires my physical presence. And you know what? I love all of it. I love all of me. But it hasn’t always been like this. There’s a monstrous epidemic in our culture where we have become obsessed with our personal shortcomings; with all of the things we don’t like about ourselves....

What a Lack of Motivation Really Means & What to Do About It

Create, Reinvent
Manifest More Success

It rained in Massachusetts for a month. Every day was cloudy, cold, and bleak. Winter was clinging desperately, digging its heels into the fresh soil of Spring. While it would have been easy to blame my lack of motivation on Winter’s inability to surrender, I knew deep down that my energetic rut wasn’t about the weather, but rather—it was the same old pattern coming back for more. The pattern you think you’ve healed, only to have it show up on your doorstep wrapped in different paper. For a good majority of my life, I’ve struggled with cycling through energetic highs and lows. The highs are always great. Who doesn’t love...

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What is Your Anchor?

Kayla MacArthur

Pursuing and living your calling is one of the highest forms of WAKING UP. When you’re anchored in the world by your calling, you feel a sense of fulfillment that is no match to what any relationship, any drug, or any amount of money from a soul-sucking job could provide. I know this because I’ve experienced it myself. There was a time in my life when I was anchored in the world not by my calling, but by the men I dated. They WERE MY WORLD and I let my life revolve around them. I let them be my purpose—to the point where I became obsessed. So obsessed that I...

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How to Move Through Disappointment with Grace & Ease

Kayla MacArthur

Disappointment is cruel. It steals your presence. And litters your mind with fear. It’s that sinking sensation in the pit of your stomach. That heaviness in your heart. It’s enough to knock you off your feet sometimes. And doubt your ability to manifest and make waves in the world. As I’m nestled in front of the fire on this brisk winter day, I’m dwelling on disappointment. It’s happened for me this week. It’s happened for my community. It’s one of those things that happens for all of us. But as I stare into the flames, licking the cracked white ash of the wood, it becomes so clear that despite the...

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