{Stop Worrying} 4 Signs Success is On The Way


Too often, we drive ourselves mad with anxiety, we fall into the thick of despair, or we decide to quit BEFORE THE MAGIC EVEN HAPPENS.

When you have a vision and a mission to manifest and you’re putting in the work to bring it to life, it can be disheartening when the results you desire don’t happen. This is especially true if you’re a high achiever like me.

When you don’t feel like you’re making the impact or getting the opportunities or making the sales you thought you would, your Ego has an easy invitation to start spinning your wheels—”see, I told you this wouldn’t work. I told you you weren’t cut out for this. I told you you’d fail.” Sound familiar?

The problem though, isn’t in the lack of impact, opportunities, or sales—it’s in your own mindset. It’s in how you are perceiving the situation. When you are in the energy of “this isn’t working,” that’s the energy you are putting out into the world and in turn, that’s what you are getting more of.

So if you happen to be stuck here in this moment or you can totally relate because you’ve experienced this before, read on my friend, because I’d like to make a bold claim that your success is actually on the way and you can recognize it by observing these 4 signs in your life or business:

1.) You are operating fully in your zone of genius and using your God given gifts in a way that absolutely lights you up.

Do you wake up every single morning, absolutely thrilled and excited for another day to work towards your vision and your mission? Does your work feel like an authentic expression of who you are at your CORE? Does your work take into account what your natural gifts, talents, and skills are and what you absolutely LOVE to do?

When I first started my business as a Fitness & Wellness Coach, I felt lit up for a while, but as time went on, the work started to feel dull and depleting. I didn’t truly feel like the work was an authentic expression of who I was, what I valued, and what my zone of genius was. As a result, Clients were few and far between.

It was only when I re-evaluated and completely shifted my work to something that felt completely aligned with ME, that success started to pour into my business in a multitude of ways.

2.) You have an unshakeable confidence and conviction in your mission.

Do you believe your mission is needed in this world? Are you confident in delivering your message? Are you convicted that your work can indeed help people and deliver the results you want it to deliver?

Recently, I met with a woman for a complimentary session and we uncovered that she wasn’t 100% convicted that her service could truly deliver the results she was promising. To protect herself from feeling like a fraud, she struggled to ask for the sale, therefore, she struggled to sign on Clients and manifest the success she desires.

If you’re not 100% confident and convicted in the work you do and what you have to offer, it will be hard to convince others too.

3.) Synchronicity is abound.

Do you notice strange, undeniable coincidences popping up in your life or business? Do they make you feel like everything is lining up for you—like something magical is working behind the scenes on your behalf?

For example, my boyfriend is currently trying to manifest a full-time position as a fire fighter. I can’t even tell you how many synchronicities grace him on a daily basis. Things like seeing fire trucks all over the place, landing a local EMT position in the mean time, seeing and talking with one of the local fire fighters at the gym—the list is endless.

The point here is, is that even though he hasn’t physically manifested the position yet, it’s in the works! The Universe is letting him know that he’s on the right path and it’s indeed coming his way!

4.) The evidence is there, even if it’s not in the way you thought it would show up.

Is there movement for your vision and your mission? Have you decided to play full out and commit to building your dream business? Have you taken a big bold move to play music on a street corner? Are people responding, even if it’s just a single like on Facebook or a compliment from a passerby? Are you making sales, even if that only entails ONE sale for an ebook you created for $7?

Most people fail to recognize the success they are indeed manifesting because they’re stuck on this unrealistic, outlandish idea of what success should look like. The truth is though, success can be both big and small! Don’t discount the little things. The little things are #evidence that your efforts are WORKING and will eventually lead to the bigger things.

So if most of these signs are indeed present in your life or business, then rest easy, because success IS on the way!

Your only job from here on out is to stop sabotaging its arrival by jumping the gun and getting anxious and worried. Sit back and practice how to receive and surrender while you wait.

If these signs are not present in your life or business, then something needs to be tweaked. It’s possible that you’re out of alignment. Maybe you’re not 100% clear. Maybe you’re not 100% confident or convicted. Maybe you aren’t operating fully in your zone of genius or using your gifts in a way that’s authentically aligned with you. If this is the case, then success will be hard to come by.

Your job is to take time to reflect on where tweaks need to be made and of course, if you need help with that, feel free to set up a complimentary Coaching call with me so I can use my zone of genius to help you move forward and manifest more success doing what you love!

With light, love, & abundance,