Read This When You’re Feeling Stuck.


The world is falling down before you.
Negative thoughts cloud your mind like thick fog curling around early morning.
Your chest is heavy with feeling. Lead weight. It’s hard to breathe.

It’s another one of those days/weeks/months where you can’t seem to catch a break.

You work hard to create what you want and just when things start to happen, an unseen force yanks you back to where you don’t want to be.

Now you feel stuck—like you’re treading water in the middle of a lake, the fog making it impossible to see the shore.

You spend so much time here, searching for the shore {trying to fix feeling stuck} before you feel ready to swim again. You get so involved with being stuck and how to feel better about it that you forget you don’t need to fix anything in order to keep moving.

You can feel completely broken and still turn your face towards the stars.

In these moments, what if you were to float in the middle of the lake and take in the dark night pressing upon you? What would happen if you were to be with the feeling of being stuck while simultaneously making a decision to swim?

What if instead of trying to eliminate feeling stuck first, you chose to create what you do want for yourself and the world at large?

Circumstances can feel heavy. You can feel lost. But at the same time, you can pick up wood, a hammer, and nails and begin to shape a new and different life.

I write for myself just as much as I write for you.
If you’re here right now, I’m sending love.

When you can be wherever you are and still choose to create what you want versus eliminate what you don’t, some kind of healing will happen. Your dreams will come alive.

With light, love, & all the feels,

Because you know what the power of support can do for your mission.

1.) IGNITE: A Six Month Group Coaching Experience {January 2018}.

IGNITE is for self-driven leaders who are ready to push the bounds of their potential. They hear a call to do more, be more, and impact more, and while they’ve already excelled in a traditional career/life, breaking outside of the box to pursue what they want to do is both exciting and terrifying all at once.

Learn more about IGNITE >>here.

2.) RISE: A Six Month or Year Long Private Coaching Experience.

RISE is for mission-driven leaders who are ready to up their game in a massive way. They know where they’re being called to next, and while they’ve already accomplished a whole lot of seemingly impossible things with their lives, they won’t lie—the excitement, the grandiosity, and the challenge of what’s to come has them shaking in their boots just a bit 😉

Learn more about RISE >>here.

Words & Wisdom

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