Power Mode OFF: Slow Down to Manifest More Success


Rhythms. Cycles. Seasons.

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”
-Lao Tzu

Can we take a hint from nature in relation to the nature of our success?

Contrary to popular belief, we are not meant to be “ON” all of the time in order to experience the fruits of our efforts.

Rather, we’re meant to live rhythmically, like the beat of a heart.
We’re meant to cycle, like the push & pull of ocean tides.
We’re meant to experience seasons—like those when seeds are sown, crops are harvested, and a deep freeze is necessary.

The belief that we need to be “ON” all of the time in order to experience success comes from a society-based, linear-driven state that we accept as “normal” in our culture.

We’re taught to value flow {growth, productivity, high performance, giving} over ebb {slowing down, healing, integration, receiving}. Therefore, when the inevitable ebb does occur, we’re hard on ourselves and we try to “push through it.” In really difficult cases of ebb, we convince ourselves that we’ll feel unproductive & unmotivated forever!

Now, because I’ve always been an over achiever—and tell me if you can relate—I’ve leaned into the society-based, linear-driven state for most of my life. From a young age, I set the bar extremely high. The concept of not doing my best {of not being “ON” at all times} has been really hard for me to swallow.

However, as I’ve taken this journey into entrepreneurship, it’s been increasingly more important for me to embrace both sides of my cyclical nature.

Although it’s not always easy to accept ebb, I’ve come to realize that ebb has given me the most beautiful gifts of spaciousness and deep awareness that have birthed the most important lessons I’ve ever learned and the best work I’ve ever done. Ebb, in essence, has taught me how to sit back and receive the fruits of my efforts, rather than constantly give, give, give and do, do, do.

This happens because when we take the time to JUST BE—to turn our gaze inwards and reflect—we honor the time it takes to fully integrate our life experience, which then facilitates greater awareness, inspiration, healing, and receptivity.

Ebbs in our energy, productivity, and inspiration are meant to be celebrated and reveled in just as much as flows versus being seen as a character flaw or a crutch that exacerbates our feelings of unworthiness and not being enough.

When we can embrace both sides of our cyclical nature, there is so much beauty that both ebb and flow have to offer.

The truth is, is that we’ll never experience one without the other. So why try to fight against the ebb? Both are needed and both are equally crucial in the journey to success.

So if you’re a high achiever like me and states of ebb are harder for you to deal with, here are some of the best practices I use to get the most out of an ebb + make it more enjoyable:

1.) Surrender into ebb.
>> Often times during an ebb, I pull back from the daily hubbub of my schedule and go deep within myself. This looks like only taking bare minimum action to keep my life and business flowing. The sooner I surrender to an ebb and embody all that it has to offer, the sooner I get back into flow.

2.) Journal, meditate, or have a conversation with a like-minded loved one, coach, or therapist to explore what’s coming up within.
>> Is there a lesson that needs to be learned? Is there an idea that’s coming to light that need time and attention to come forward? Is there an intuition that’s dying to be heard?

3.) Spend time in nature to recharge.
>> There’s nothing more satisfying when I’m in ebb than reconnecting with Mother Earth herself. Getting outside, especially camping or visiting a particularly beautiful place, has always been very healing for me. It provides a safe container to be with my thoughts & feelings, while simultaneously lifting my vibe.

I also want to note that while ebb and flow are a natural part of life’s rhythms, it’s important to distinguish between ebb and the ego. It’s true at times that an ebb is actually resistance to stretching and expanding and manifesting your dreams & desires. If this is the case, it only becomes problematic if the ebb continues to keep you stuck. Rather than move forward, you stagnate.

In circumstances like this, it might be helpful to meet with a Coach who can illuminate your blind spots and help you tame your ego and its resistance.

With love, light, & surrender,