Is Your Debt Consuming You? Read This.



Do you have it?
How does it make you feel?
What comes up for you?

Typically, the word debt conjures up icky feelings—shame, guilt, frustration, fear—and often times, we suffer in silence because it’s not something we feel comfortable talking about.

It doesn’t have to be this way, though.

In fact, if your feelings are predominantly negative towards your debt, it’s likely that you’ll continue to attract more of it because when you become so consumed with worry over your financial situation, you actually send out an energetic signal to the Universe to bring you more worry.

Remember—YOU create your reality and your thoughts dictate what shows up in your life.

So how do you shift out of this worry pattern and master your feelings around debt so you can manifest more success?

Quite simply, you must change your mindset.
You must commit to DAILY mental reconditioning around money and debt.

Today, I want to give you one simple mindset shift that has made all of the difference for me because to be completely transparent with you, I’m in debt and I haven’t always felt good about it.

I have school loans and credit card balances from earning my Bachelor’s Degree and starting my business.

I used to be so consumed with worry over my financial situation that it was hard to breathe. I was completely shrouded in darkness and it felt like I was digging a hole so deep, I’d never get out.

BUT, among many things that I did to get out of that figurative hole, one of the biggest shifts I had was choosing to be THANKFUL for my debt.

Sounds crazy, huh? Let me explain…

Rather than choosing to see my debt as a heavy chain shackled to my ankle, keeping me from living the big, beautiful life I had envisioned for myself, I chose to see my debt for what it is—an investment in myself, an investment in increasing my value to an employer and to clients, an investment that has allowed me to do really amazing things that will pay back dividends in the future.

Looking at debt like this makes it feel a whole lot better doesn’t it?

The best part is, is that when you calm the feelings of shame, guilt, fear, and frustration around your debt, you actually open yourself up to CREATIVE SOLUTIONS to get OUT OF DEBT.

When you put outlandish amounts of pressure on yourself {for example, over finances}, you activate the body’s stress response, which literally kills your creativity and your ability to find solutions to solve a problem. In other words, you completely disconnect from source, from the Universe, from trust, from spirit, and you detour into relying on your own strength to come up with all of the answers.

You shut off the magic.
And instead, you continue to stay stuck in the darkness of fear and lack.

It’s your choice how you look at things. How can you commit to looking at your financial situation differently to promote expansion versus constriction?

Join The High Vibe Tribe and let us know!

With love, light, & abundant thinking,

Want to read more? Check out The One Thing You Need to Do to Create Massive Change in Your Life