
Sustainable Success

If you’re struggling to stay afloat as a business owner, I see you.

I know what it’s like…

✓ To ride the highs of possibility, only to feel crushed when expectations don’t match reality.
✓ To feel on top of the world one day and paralyzed, fearful, and full of doubt the next.
✓ To be doing ALL the things and still feel like you’re not doing enough.

I know how defeating it feels when the stress adds up and you’re left questioning if you should just give up.  

The truth is, starting and growing a business is HARD. 

It is inherently risky and too many business owners do give up because they can’t withstand the challenges or the emotional roller coaster ride that comes with it. 

Therefore, if you want to be in this game for the long haul and generate the kind of success you know you’re meant for, mastering your inner world is key. 

Hi! I’m Kayla—free-spirited earth mama & champion for individual empowerment + collective change.

During my first five years as a business owner, I was seriously stuck on the struggle bus. If my numbers weren’t consistently trending upwards, I would fall into a state of panic, fear, and disappointment.

It wasn’t until my partner found me ugly crying in our Tulum apartment, after a terribly long stint of taking MAJOR action with zero results, that I was forced to learn how to surrender.

Releasing my fear to faith was scary, but after I let go, life began to rearrange in my favor. Within thirty days, I signed three new clients, with more flowing in around the corner.

So, what is it that causes us business owners to fall into cycles of struggle, despair, and burnout, and how do we create ground beneath our feet while in them?

Since my day of reckoning over two years ago, I’ve been on a journey to find out.

Now, I’m proud to say that I’m the living embodiment of that research. Even in the most challenging moments, I’ve found my way back to a clear head, a calm heart, and an unshakeable sense of trust in myself and my work.

Basically, I’ve cracked the code on how to remain certain in times of uncertainty.

What if you could unlock this superpower, too?

What if, despite what’s happening on the
outside, you could feel unshakeable and unwavering on the inside?

What if you could stop shaming yourself for how

much you “should” be doing or where you “should” be at by now? 

What if you could stop freaking out and remain

clear, calm, and confident even when the numbers dip or dry up?

In Sustainable Success, I’m going to teach you how to stress less, trust more, and show up with the kind of creativity and vitality that will magnetize more customers, clients, and opportunities to your business’s real or metaphorical doorstep. 

It’s time to stop grasping and running yourself into the ground so you can actually enjoy your work AND trust that it will support you.

That’s why you left the rat race in the first place, right?

Out with the old, in with the new.

You’re here because you want SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS.

“I loved the topics covered and understanding how to apply them to my life and business. I learned how to better guide myself, trust myself more, and have more success in my business, without going into burnout. On top of that, having an engaging community to go through this program with was an added bonus!”

Kristina S.

Sustainable Success is a six-week virtual intensive that will give you the tools to master your inner game and pave the way for sustainable success in your business. 

It includes {5} LIVE Interactive Classes + {1} Community Integration Call


During these classes, you will learn how to spot when and where systemic conditioning is showing up in your business and wreaking havoc on your nervous system. You will also learn a new paradigm for business—one that is based in nature and spirit and promotes compassion, ease, and connection, rather than shame and the never-ending pressure to produce.


During these classes, you will get to know the rhythms of your nervous system and how to work with them, especially in response to triggers and stress. The goal isn’t to eliminate stress from your life {that’s impossible and not wise}, but to learn different ways to support your biology when you’re having a very human moment.


During this class, you will learn how to apply elements of your human design and astrological natal chart
to deepen your sense of self-trust and allow more abundance to flow into your life & business.

{1} 75-minute Community Integration Call

During this final call, get your questions answered, receive laser coaching from Kayla, and share the big a-hah’s and take aways that you will carry forward.

You + Me + Community… that’s hard to beat!


✓ Become more compassionate and kind towards yourself.
✓ Learn how to care for yourself in a way that actually supports your biology.
✓ Understand how to make money in a sustainable way based on your unique energy.
✓ Develop a deeper capacity to trust yourself and your business. 

Here’s the deal:

When you stress less and trust more, you have more access to your creative resources and vital life force energy, which makes you naturally more magnetic to customers, clients, and opportunities, which then leads to sustainable success {you know—the kind that doesn’t require hamster wheels, rat races, or burn out}. 

It gets to be that simple. 

“I’m able to trust more, honor myself and my body more, and be affirmed that I’m on the right path. Getting to know Kayla and the other women was really special. WE NEED COMMUNITY in this work because it is so NOT the mainstream idea of ‘success’ we are constantly bombarded with. My favorite part was learning about the internalized systems, the astrological money axis, and the human design stuff. And Kayla {duh}. She was such an effective and gentle teacher and I’m grateful to have had this experience.”

Emily C.
Content Marketing Strategist

Classes will be delivered LIVE on the following dates and will last ~60 minutes:

Thursday, March 9th at 3pmEST // 12pmPST
Thursday, March 16th at 3pmEST // 12pmPST
Thursday, March 23rd at 3pm EST // 12pmPST

If you can’t attend a class live, the recording will be sent out to all participants and uploaded into the class portal within 24 hours. 

The Community Integration Call {75 minutes} will happen on the following date:

Thursday, March 30th at 3pmEST // 12pmPST

*All classes and calls will be held over Zoom Video Conferencing and you will have lifetime access to the recorded classes. If you choose to invest in the reading tier for a more immersive experience, you will be able to book your reading as soon as November.

“Class was so good today! I am such a huge geek on the Human Design and Astrology stuff. It was so freaking helpful to understand some of it. Appreciate that you brought it into the picture!”

Danielle A.
Book Coach & Editor at Inky Worthy Books

Do you have to be a business owner to take this intensive?

While the class material can be applied broadly across different professions and to humans in general, I will be teaching from a self-employed lens, therefore, the intensive would best serve you if you identify as a creative, a business owner, or you’re thinking about becoming one. In fact, if you could master this material BEFORE starting your business, you would be off to a running start. 

With that being said, if you’re not a business owner and you feel deeply called to this offer, you are more than welcome to join us! 

What results can you guarantee?

Here’s the thing: I deeply believe in what I’m teaching AND I can’t guarantee what results you will create. The testimonials on this page may not be typical for everyone. What I can guarantee is that this intensive, and the tools within it, have been distilled from my eight+ years of lived experience and professional training as a business owner who fully supports herself with her business, and who also has the spaciousness in her days to enjoy a deeply fulfilling life. It is also important for me to acknowledge the privilege inherent in my lived experience as a white, cis-gendered woman from a middle class family.

Is there a payment plan?

Yes! Scroll down to check them out. 

What if I can’t attend the live calls?

That is 100% okay! All of the live classes will be recorded and uploaded to the class portal within 24 hours. You are more than welcome to listen to the classes at your own pace, but if you can’t attend live, you will miss the opportunity to participate in discussion. 

If you can’t make the calls, but have questions, you can email them to me and I will address them in the next class.

What if I don’t end up liking it or it doesn’t work—do you offer refunds?

I do not offer refunds. I only want you to sign up for this intensive if every cell in your body lights up at the thought of it.

What’s the reading tier all about?

If you would like to gain a deeper understanding of your unique design and how to apply it to create sustainable success in your life and business, this tier is for you. While you will receive personalized guidance based on your chart during the intensive, this reading will cover other aspects that we won’t have time to go into.

Readings are 60-75 minutes in length and will take place over Zoom Video Conferencing. When you sign up, you will be able to identify which level of understanding you’re at with human design so that I can customize your reading further.

All readings must be scheduled by March 31st, 2024.

What if I have other questions?

Please email me at and ask away!

Select your desired tier & come join the party 🎉


+ {5} LIVE Interactive Classes {with recordings}
+ {1} Community Integration Call
$1200 VALUE

Early Bird Special {11/16-11/30}: $397
Regular Price: $497

2X $200


+ Intensive Tier
+ {1} SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS Human Design Reading with Kayla
$1422 VALUE

Early Bird Special {11/16-11/30}: $597
Regular Price: $697

3X $200