How to Manifest With the Moon


There is a soft, yet powerful energy that can be harnessed from the natural cycles of the Earth. After all, these cycles are not only found in the external world, but they also live within each of us.

Birth. Death. Sleep. Awake. Ebb. Flow. Life. Growth. Creation. Expansion. Destruction. Completion. We are simply mirrors that reflect a much larger design.

So why do we sometimes resist this? If we reflect the natural rhythms of the Earth, why do we fight them? What if, in fact, we could create more with less if we simply surrendered to these cycles and amplified their energy? What if instead of resisting them, we lived and flowed and worked with them?

This is exactly why I’m making a spiritual commitment to manifest with the moon this year.

At her core, the moon represents feminine energy and the creation process. Just as she influences the ebb and flow of the tides, she influences the ebb and flow of our feelings and our energy. She invites us to reflect on and explore our inner world more deeply.

When the moon is new, she appears as a dark, hollow outline in the sky. I like to think of her as an empty container, waiting to be filled with light. The new moon asks us to reflect on and set new intentions + goals.

When the moon is full, she sits brightly in the sky—glowing, circular, and whole. I like to think of her in this state as a physical representation of what has manifested in my life, whether that’s more of what I want or what I don’t want. The full moon asks us to pay appreciation to the goals + intentions that have manifested, but she also asks that we release what is no longer serving us.

​​​​​​​As you can see, the moon and manifestation go hand and hand and so today, I’d love to share my new and full moon rituals with you so that you can follow along and harness the energy of this magnificent entity.

First, I’d like to preface this with the fact that there is no right or wrong way to do this. These rituals feel good to me, but they may not feel good to you and that’s okay. I encourage you to take what resonates and leave the rest.

New Moon Ritual

➵ Clear and imbue sacred space. Sage or mist your space. Light a candle. Diffuse oils. Gather sacred items such as crystals, feathers, oracle or tarot cards, etc.
➵ Call in higher states of being {angels, guides, intuition}.
➵ In a sacred journal, specifically dedicated to your spiritual practice, write down the intentions + goals that you’d like to manifest over the next moon cycle.
➵ Write down what actions you are willing to take.
➵ Pick an oracle card with the intention to receive a message that will serve you in the manifestation process.

Full Moon Ritual

➵ Clear and imbue sacred space.
➵ Call in higher states of being.
➵ In a sacred journal specifically dedicated to your spiritual practice, write down what has manifested/what is in the process of manifesting and pay appreciation for each.
➵ Write down the fears, doubts, obstacles, struggles, outdated patterns & beliefs—anything that is getting in the way of manifesting what you want—that you’d like to release.
➵ Pick an oracle card with the intention to receive a message that will serve you in releasing your blocks.
➵ In a safe space, burn the paper.

Manifesting with the moon is a beautiful process. It’s peaceful—like taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly. I encourage you to make these processes yours in a way that feels good to you. Let your creativity guide you. And most importantly, let the energy of the moon serve you. 

With light, love, & intention,

Words & Wisdom

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