How to Activate Your Personal Power to Manifest More Success

Create, Reinvent

During the transition from July to August of this year, something shifted within me.

Similar to how a switch is flipped on and the room before you fills with light, a switch flipped on within me and activated a part of my personal power that was previously persisting in darkness.

When I finally raised my Coaching prices, in many ways, I stepped up the game I was playing, but none more powerful than in my actual Coaching.

It’s hard to describe the exact shift that occurred, but what I do know is that I became fearless. What I do know is that I started to trust my intuition and my uncanny ability to make connections. What I do know is that this fearlessness combined with using my God given skills, allowed me to facilitate POWERFUL breakthroughs for people that previously, I hadn’t been able to do.

These powerful breakthroughs were what led to powerful clients, powerful testimonials, and more referrals than I knew what to do with!

And no, I didn’t invest in further Coaching education to get me to this point—the powerful Coach within has always existed, but she hadn’t been activated yet because I hadn’t made the decision to BE her!

You see, we always have two choices—we can choose to shrink or we can choose to RISE.

If you want to manifest the next level of your life or business; if you want to accomplish all of those far-fetched soul-driven dreams and goals that you have for yourself, you must get comfortable with choosing the latter.

What I’m seeing time and time again though {and I’m not excluding myself here}, is that we choose to shrink. We choose to let our obstacles, our circumstances, and our fear-based emotions hold us back.

We choose to remain the small version of ourselves instead of owning the version of ourselves that takes big, bold action and knows and trusts that everything we desire is possible and inevitable.

More often than not, we live in an unactivated state.

And yes, we catch glimpses of our personal power from time to time—those brilliant ideas that skip through our consciousness, those fleeting moments where we feel fearless and ready, the first time we actually take a big, scary step in the direction of our dreams—but until we make the bold decision to ACTIVATE and LIVE as the version of ourselves that believes in our inherent greatness and how truly powerful we really are, we won’t get very far in creating everything our heart desires.

So how do you activate your personal power on a daily basis?

The first step is to define who you would be if you had everything you desire. What characteristics would you have? What kind of thoughts and beliefs would you have? What kinds of actions would you take? What kind of environment would you be in?

Next, identify who you are now. What characteristics do you have now? What kind of thoughts and beliefs do you have now? What kinds of actions do you take now? What kind of an environment are you in now?

If there’s any sort of discrepancy, it’s time to start making changes to close the gap!
You must BE before you can do or have.

The law of attraction states that you get more of what you focus on, so if you can step into the person you identified in the first step and focus on embodying her in the best way you possibly can, you will activate your personal power and manifest the exact results you’re after.

It’s really THAT simple. Your outer world is only a reflection of your inner world.

If you don’t like what you see on the outside, it’s pointless to try and change the outside because the problem isn’t on the outside, it’s on the inside. The problem is in who you are being, not in what you are doing.

First, you must be great and then, great results will follow.
So how can you be great right now?

With love, light, & being,

P.S. Do you feel like you could use 1:1 support in uncovering your personal power? The first Coaching session is always on me!