How Not to Live Your Life {Unless You Want to Be Successful AND Free}

Create, Explore

Today, I’m writing to you from a cute little coffee shop in North Conway. The sky is bright and clear. The air is crisp and freshly fallen leaves blanket the sidewalks. The colors are unreal. Brilliant yellows. Blazing reds. Bright oranges.

Being so far from home, tucked away before sweeping mountain views, I can’t help but revel in how grateful I am for my life. For where I am in this exact moment.

It was only three years ago that I was a tiny spec on the map of America, puttering my way through the lush beauty of the state of Oregon on the road trip that would change my life forever.

The road trip that would reveal the most important lesson I would ever learn.
The lesson that I AM the creator of my own reality.

I will never forget the goosebumps that prickled my skin for no reason other than that of pure glorious gratitude for the freedom I felt.

Freedom from the constraints of a job that did not mesh with my spirit.
Freedom from the straight and narrow path that my parents so desperately wanted me to follow.
Freedom from the pressure of living for anyone but myself.
I was free from all of it.

The thing about experiencing such mind blowing freedom is the fact that once you experience the sweetness of it, there is no going back.

When I returned home, as happy I was to greet the forgotten plushness of my fuzzy bath towels and the coziness of my nice comfy bed, something so huge had shifted within me, that I could no longer settle for the way things were.

I could no longer live a shackled life. And I fully understood that it was up to me to make the changes and do things differently. No one could do it for me. No one would do it for me.

And so I set out to follow my heart. I set out to live a life by my design. I set out to own my greatness in bigger ways than I could even comprehend in that hiccup of time.

Returning to where I am right now, I am thankful for nothing greater than the decision to live in alignment with who I truly am and what I truly want to do.

Yes, it’s been a long and winding road to get my business off the ground and to be able to support myself with it. But I wouldn’t trade it for the world. There’s been many times where others have questioned whether or not I’d be able to do this. There’s been many times where I have questioned whether I’d be able to do this.

But I have the answer now and it’s a resounding YES. Deep down to my core. This definitely can be done.

And it can be a yes for you too.

If you’re feeling trapped in a job you hate or you’re feeling stuck in a business that you SO badly want to work, it doesn’t have to be this way.

The moment you decide to stop settling—the moment you decide to take a clear look at where you are and what is truly aligned with who you are and what you love to do, things WILL start to shift. And shift fast.

If there’s anything that I could impart to you from the last three years of this wild ride, it’s to START DOING.

Do it now. Take the leap. Commit to your next level. Get the help you need to make the changes you know you need to make. You have your WHOLE LIFE—hours, weeks, years, decades—to make this work. It might not happen overnight, but you have to get the wheels turning.

Could you imagine what life would be like {what the world would be like} if you never tried?

You must dare to dream.
You must dare to risk your heart.

Or, you could risk to stay the same… The choice is yours.

With light, love, & freedom,

P.S. Are you struggling to manifest the next level of your life or biz?

I have three spots open for a complimentary 50-minute Manifest More Success Deep Dive Coaching Session next week. If you’re ready to shine the light on what is really holding you back from the life or business you dream of, let’s schedule a time to meet!