Get Your Community On: Five Ways to Create Strong Connections to Manifest More Success

Create, Explore

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
Jim Rohn

If you’re ready to take the leap towards your biggest dreams and desires or maybe you’re just ready to manifest more success in pursuit of them—you need to take stock of what & who you’re surrounding yourself with.

Is your environment conducive to the direction you want to go?
Are your relationships supportive?
Do you have access to people who are where you want to be?

Community is crucial. If you want to rise, you have to surround yourself with people who also want to rise + have already risen.

Why? Like Jim Rohn suggests, you become more like the people you associate with. If you regularly surround yourself with people who are highly committed to their own personal growth or who already are super successful, you naturally become more like them.

You learn from them and you begin to act more like they act—in essence, you emulate them. You start to feel really successful and expansive even before your physical reality has caught up, which is key because in order to manifest your biggest dreams and desires, you must BE the person you would be if you were already living them.

So here are five ways that I’ve personally used in the past to create more connection and community to successful, like-minded individuals:

1.) Search for and join local Meetups.

There are hundreds of Meetups that cover a variety of interests within your local area. Simply visit, create a profile that lists your interests, and let meetups find the right groups for you!

If you’re near Central Massachusetts, feel free to join my Manifesting Miracles Meetup and attend one of my highly inspirational workshops!

2.) Attend inspirational events, retreats, or conferences.

Not only do you learn new things and sky rocket your vibe, you also get to form incredible bonds with other participants. There was nothing like going to Bali with four like-minded strangers to write my book, explore a new country, and have late night round table talks about the power of intent, manifestation, and raising consciousness. Not only did I work on my book, I also formed friendships with highly successful women that will last a lifetime.

If you’re looking for an inspirational event, myself and two fellow colleagues are hosting Transitions to Transformations: An Inspirational Networking Event For Women Entrepreneurs and Those Who Want to Make The Leap. It’s happening in Boston, MA on June 23rd. Early bird tickets are $30. Scoop one up and join us!

3.) Join Facebook Groups.

There are thousands of Facebook Groups filled with high vibe individuals who will lift you up, inspire you, and give you tips on creating what you want in your life. You can find them by searching for key words related to your goals in the search tab.

In fact, my group, Kayla MacArthur’s High Vibe Tribe, is launching this week! So if you’d like to be a part of community that is focused on manifesting more success doing what you love, check it out!

4.) Participate in online coaching programs and/or masterminds.

Joining a paid community is one of the most life-changing experiences. When people are paying to be a part of something, they take the group seriously and are committed to going the extra mile in terms of support.

In the programs and masterminds that I’ve been a part of, unbreakable connections and friendships have formed and I wouldn’t be anywhere near where I am today without them.

5.) Reach out to people you admire and get to know them.

I’m constantly reaching out to online and local business owners who I admire. I schedule time to get to know them. What are their stories? How did they become successful? What advice can they give me?

What I’ve found is that people are more than willing to help and give advice! The best part is—I’m growing my network and my presence in the process!

So tell me—how will you create more community to sky rocket your success? Hit reply & let me know!

With love, light, & togetherness,
Coach, Author, & Motivational Speaker

Want to read more? Check out How to Become More Successful With This One Radical Truth