Are You Spreading Your Energy Too Thin?


I get it. You’re lit up by SO many different things!
Ideas are flowing.
You feel called to this project and that one and oh! This one too!
It’s like your creativity is on a field day and there’s so much to do, you can’t even figure out where to begin!

You’re excited. But you’re also kind of exhausted. Mentally drained. And wondering why you’re still not making the impact you want to make.

Believe it or not, trying to do so many different things is actually a form of self-sabotage. Spreading your energy too thin does nothing for you. In fact, it keeps you from accomplishing much at all.

What would happen though, if you re-directed all of that creative energy into ONE project or idea? ONE dream or goal? ONE aspect of your business?

What could you accomplish then? What kind of impact could you make then?

Trust me, I’ve been here. Last Spring, I was all over the place. I was creating and selling products. I was trying to become a Speaker. I was hosting workshops, promoting my ebook, blogging every week, and oh! I was also trying to write a book and fill my Coaching practice too!

My head just about exploded. And the results I was creating in my life and business were minimal.

Ego: 1
Kayla: 0

Over the summer, I had to make the hard decision to give it all up. All except for one. And so, at the end of July, I set a 90-day goal for myself and I got to work.

I wrote in my journal: “I am powerfully serving & transforming NINE high-end dream Clients by October 31st.”
Every single day after that, whatever I did traced back to meeting that one GOAL.
No book writing. No speaking. No product creation.

And so as of yesterday, the results are in!
Did I meet my 90-day goal?
In my eyes, I did. I’m currently serving & transforming SIX high-end dream Clients, which is so freaking huge for me, considering I’ve only ever had two Clients at one time.

In my eyes, I did phenomenally well! My practice is nearly full and I don’t doubt the remaining three spots will fill soon.

So what’s the lesson here? If you’re not experiencing the success you crave in your life or business, take a look at what you’re focusing on.

Are you spreading your energy too thin? And if so, how can you shift to work on the ONE thing that lights you up the most? If there’s fear or resistance when you think about this, we should talk!

I currently have THREE spots left for 1:1 Coaching at this time. If you’re interested in doing the deep inner work to transform your outer world success, let’s book a complimentary Coaching call! I promise to deliver a life-changing breakthrough within 50-minutes or less 🙂

The only other way to work with me is through my Manifest More Success Workshop, which is happening on Thursday, November 10th from 7pm to 9:30pmEST via Zoom Video Conferencing {meaning you can attend from anywhere in the world}. Check out the details and grab your ticket today! There are only FOUR spots available.

With light, love, & focus,

Want to read more? Check out Four Reasons Why You’re Not Manifesting What You Want.