5 Ways to Trust More & Worry Less in 2017


As I look out onto the forest before me, a thin mist hangs in the air and lichen clings to the damp, dark trees—their tiny branches like veins pressed against the gray sky.

Raw, cold, and wet, the weather today feels cleansing. Like it’s washing away any stale, lingering heaviness from the last week of 2016 and inviting in its place, a new year with new desires to manifest.

Have you taken time to set new intentions & goals for 2017?
Are you feeling overwhelmed, but also excited by the possibilities?
Are you up for the challenge of expansion?

With each new year comes the strong desire to be better, to play bigger, to rise into the potential you have yet to tap. Goals are set. Intentions are laid out. And there are absolutely no limits.

Then the year wears on and you begin to realize that what felt inevitable isn’t happening at the speed you thought it would. The big, beautiful vision you crafted feels nowhere in sight. And you find yourself in a downward spiral of doubt, worry, and disappointment, which then creates more lack and less of a chance for success to manifest.

This cycle used to be my life. Until I made a single tweak—until I learned to trust.

At its core, Trust is a feminine principle. It’s something you might really struggle with too, especially if you’re a high achiever and you embody more of the masculine energy.

Naturally, we want to control. We want to figure things out. We want to KNOW.

But when it comes to trust, Trust asks you to let go of control and time frames. She asks you to let go of logic. And instead, to have faith in the things you don’t know {yet} and to believe in what can’t be logically worked out.

Trust asks you to invite in patience, peace, and surrender. And she requires you to work. Just like you can’t lift weights once and have perfectly defined muscles, Trust requires commitment and devotion. She requires practice every single day.

Fortunately, there are tools to help you build your trust muscle and these are especially helpful if you need to grasp the concept of Trust in a more concrete way. Here are five:

1.) Oracle Cards.

Using oracle cards is one of my favorite ways to lean into Trust. If I notice myself detouring into fear, worry, or doubt OR if I want confirmation on a certain decision, I ask my angels for guidance and then I pick a card from the deck. Every single time, I’m stunned by the answers I receive, which then quiets the fear and returns me to a resourceful state of being. My favorite deck is the Goddess Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue.

2.) See the Signs.

Angels work their magic through numbers, phrases, or symbols, so when you see the same numbers, phrases, or symbols over and over again, your angels are trying to deliver a message to you. You can do a simple Google search to figure out the meanings behind the signs. For example, I see repeating sequences of 1s every single day, which confirms my strong ability to manifest. I’ve also seen a white butterfly on more than one occasion over the past couple of months. When I was really struggling with an unforeseen event, the butterfly reminded me that everything would be okay and I was able to let go of fear completely.

3.) Look at the Evidence.

I’m willing to bet that even though you haven’t manifested everything that you truly desire, there is still EVIDENCE in your life or biz that your desires are indeed manifesting. For example, one of my Clients desired to make more money in her business so she could travel with a friend. When the money didn’t flow in from her business, she started to feel discouraged. Luckily, I was there to direct her attention to all of the evidence showing up in her life regardless, like the fact that she received a random referral fee, a settlement that helped her pay off debt, and the unexpected surprise of being able to take that same friend on an international trip. Hello! Her vision pretty much manifested {even if it didn’t happen in the way she thought it would}!

4.) Explore the Possibilities.

There are SO many reasons why something doesn’t work out, but the Ego wouldn’t have you believe that. Instead, the Ego directs your mind to the WORST possible scenario. Exploring the possibilities requires you to entertain ALL of the reasons why something doesn’t work out. For example, sometimes something not working out is actually a blessing! What if you dodged a bullet? Or an even better opportunity comes along to fill the space?!

5.) Find a Trust Buddy.

Finding a trust buddy requires that you find someone in your life who is fully supportive of what you’re working towards and only has your best interest at heart. In times of fear, doubt, or worry, you can go to this person for support. Ideally, this person can reflect back to you what you truly know in your heart—that everything is working out in divine timing and there is no reason to fret!​​​​​​​

So at this point, you might be wondering: “So if I build my trust muscle, does that guarantee my desires will manifest?”

Unfortunately, no. And to that, I’d ask you: “Are you truly leaning into trust or are you trying to control again?”

The purpose of building your trust muscle is to allow yourself to live in a more resourceful state of being. When you’re in the vibration of fear, doubt, and worry, these energies constrict and limit the way you show up and what actions you take. When you’re in the vibration of trust, your energy expands. You’re open to receive powerful intuitive guidance that will help you manifest at lightening speed and the actions you do take will be more impactful and efficient. Therefore, trusting allows you to maximize the success you manifest with less effort.

Beautiful, isn’t it?

With light, love, & so much trust,

Words & Wisdom

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